Main highlights:
- Don’t have space for an office?
- Trying to convert your van into an offive?
- We have all you need to know about campervan conversions.
When you’re an entrepreneur and run your own business, you often find yourself needing to work from home. This can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have your own private space to work in. Many people find it difficult to leave the house and head back to the office every day. However, as a van dweller, this is even more challenging. Fortunately, converting your camper van into an office is not as complicated as it sounds. There are several steps you can take to create the perfect working environment where you can leave the house and still get work done.
Here we’ll discuss some of the ways you can convert your van into an office space so that you can work from home when necessary without sacrificing being a van dweller.

Decide on the space you need
Before you start installing things, you’ll need to decide where you want to create your office. The best place is usually the front section of the van where you have easy access to the road and can still see your surroundings. This will also allow you to have privacy while you work. The next thing to consider is what type of work you’ll be doing. This will help dictate the size of the desk you’ll need. After you decide on the space, it’s time to move on to the next step which is installing a desk.
Install a Desk and Chair
One of the first things to integrate into your van conversion office is a desk. This may sound simple, but there are many things to consider when installing a desk. The most important thing is to make sure the desk will fit in the space you’ve chosen. You’ll want to measure the space and draw a diagram of where you want to place the desk. From there, you can choose the type of desk you want. If you’re going to be doing a lot of typing, a standing desk is recommended. If you’ll be doing more paperwork, a regular desk will do. After you install the desk, you’ll need a chair that will fit under it. This will depend on the desk you’ve chosen.
Add LED Lighting
Another important thing to install in your van conversion office is LED lighting. Van life is not known for having a lot of light. To make up for this, you may want to add LED lighting to your van conversion office to help light the room. This will help make the room more accommodating and make it easier to work. There are many types of lighting you can buy. Make sure to install them in a way that they won’t be in your way while you work. It’s also a good idea to install lights over your desk area so that you can work in a brighter environment.
Lock in Good Ventilation
Another important thing to consider is ventilation in your van conversion office. This is something that often gets overlooked. You’ll want to make sure that you install adequate ventilation. The best way to do that is to install a roof vent. A roof vent will be placed on the roof of your van above where you’ll be working and allow for good ventilation. From there, you can install fans to help circulate the air. If you’re going to be in your van for a long time, an exhaust fan is also recommended.
Install a Standing Desk
If you’re going to be working in your van conversion office for a long time, a standing desk is recommended. This will help keep your blood flowing and prevent you from getting tired and uncomfortable. You don’t have to install a brand new desk and can convert a regular desk into a standing desk. The best way to do this is by getting a desk with a shelf or drawer space below it. This will be where you place your computer. You can then get a board and place it on top of the shelf and put your keyboard and mouse on top of that. This will allow you to stand while working.
Add Storage Space
Another thing to consider when a van conversion office is storage space. If you’ll be doing paperwork, you’ll want to make sure you have a place to put your papers. The same goes for any computers and laptops you may have. It’s important to have enough storage space so that you don’t have papers and computers all around you while you work. The best way to do this is to install shelves and cabinets. You can also use the drawers on your desk for smaller items like pens and pencils.
Add a Van Conversion Screen
The last thing to consider when a van conversion office is a screen. If you’ll be working on any client projects, it may be a good idea to install a screen. This will help keep your van private and will prevent others from being able to see what you’re doing. The best way to install a screen is by attaching it to the wall with clips or hooks. You can also use magnets or suction cups. After you’ve completed these van conversion office steps, you’ll be able to work whenever you need to, even if you’re a van dweller.
There are many benefits to converting your van into a home office. One major benefit is that you don’t have to leave your van. This is perfect if you’re a van dweller. You can still get work done without having to leave your van. Another major benefit is that you can customize your van conversion office to your liking. You can make the office however you like and install the items you need to make it the perfect working environment. Converting your van into a home office is not as difficult as it sounds. With these tips, you’ll be able to create the perfect working environment in your van.