As the name suggests van life, explains life on a van which contains basic facilities like a bed platform, some form of toilet, sink, solar panels, batteries and some storage space, this term has been popularly called as van-dwelling before but during the Coronavirus pandemic the hashtag #vanlife has been popularised on social media.
Some people do van dwelling by choice to divert themselves from their monotonous lives they seek freedom and self sufficiency through this while for some it is the feeling of being on the streets, even though the term van dwelling implies living in a van many types of vehicles can be transformed for the particular use and be made suitable for permanent or temporary living.

The van dwelling lifestyle allows lower cost of ,living than living in a traditional set up our everyday households, as they set up their homes on Van they have a free pass to keep travelling to different locations, and to keep changing locations with their homes along they can travel as much as they like or as little as they want.
Some among these choose to stay in the same location and work full time or going to school while living their household similar life, on the other hand few like to travel and choose to work remotely from the particular they choose to stay and to work in an online manner or they might also find some short term employment in various locations.
They van dwellers are particularly known as digital nomads as half of them work remotely as they keep travelling, some of them are self-employed or indulged in these creative fields like being a photographer or a writer, writing about their life on roads or they do vlogging and make money from YouTube more such work includes arts and handcraft-related work.
Some of the nomads work normal day jobs and occasionally travel and simultaneously some van dwellers choose permanent employment in a place and choose to live in a van to save money on high rents and complicated lifestyles in households.
The pandemic brought hardships to everyone around the world with which more and more people in America turned to life on roads considering leaving their homes for a cheaper and affordable life on a van which will also provide them with the leisure of travelling.
If you find this nomadic trend appealing you would like to know both its pros and cons one of the biggest pros is the one we have been talking about that is to save money, travel and get a break from the mainstream household life, with the pandemic that brought us inside our homes it is the perfect time to ditch your everyday office and lifestyle and explore a life on van.
Many van lifers experience the liberating feeling of being and going wherever they want to and if they own a traveler’s heart then it is the perfect thing for them, another pro is to enjoy more of the outdoors with a van you are free to travel or roam as far as you would want to, exploring national parks, landmarks and beaches.

When we talk about van life one of the biggest cons of it is to adjust in a small space, problems with hygiene in Van’s there is probably where less space for a washroom or having a bathing area or doing laundry stuff for bathing and cleaning purposes they associate that with their friends or family and borrow their washers and dryers, some people in US take gym membership to get access to showers.
The van repairing is a mammoth task and while traveling if something stops functioning or breaks things just turn down to bad luck and van repairs can vary a lot, depending on the age and condition of your vehicle.
Some van lifers who after returning from their trips wrote about their story told the reality behind the famous #vanlife hashtag and that it has been “overly glorified on social media” and the reality seems a lot different and you need to compromise on your comfort, hygiene, space and a lot many things when you are on roads.
It’s no secret that most images on social media aren’t the full picture and what you see on your social grid is just the small, shortened snippet of someone’s life. This same can be said for the van life hashtag.
So this is about the both sides of a nomadic life one may want to dwell into but before getting into it a person must understand all the dimensions to it.